Samples of Getting Going with WordPress

Self Build and Edit Websites

       My sample tale of Getting Going with WordPress….. is:

Watching the evolution of the WordPress website package for over ten years, has created an awesome respect for the people involved in coding it…. and the persistence of the people gathering the pieces together to develop, what today…. is a user-friendly, easy to handle, massively powerful “bit-of-stuff”… that is interactive to visitors as well.

In the 2000’s, I built my first WordPress website. The upload for me, all done manually, was horrendous… but the result, when up… was instantly worth it…. A website… an interactive website… very exciting.

The really fun bit, was FROM THIS POINT onwards… easily poking things around, until the design was how I liked it.

In those days… I found I was having to do a fair bit of fiddling inside the theme CODE FILES.
Nowadays… this is not needed… and so much more has been evolved to become included within the WordPress CORE FILES… Theme CORE FILES… and modern PLUGINS… all controlled from the WP admin control panel area.
Nowadays… the experience is beautiful.
Here in 2024, there are loooooads of excellent, easy to use, themes and plugins… to create the design and function.

I built several very simple educational websites, from the ground up… in html code. These were satisfactory, but html had to be learnt. More the point is that ANY changes, updates etc to the content, required more behind the scenes html coding…. Ouch.

The html was interesting BUT, compared to today’s readymade WordPress, the time spent behind the scenes with pure html “doings”, was/is time “burned”.
With WordPress, here in 2024, the time spent (when tuned into it) is tiny, compared to the HUGE amount of content and activity, that can be produced…. and showing online…. The reward is near instant.

About My Site:… This site (a WordPress jobby itself)… was popped together to offer a bit of content… that perhaps… may be of some value to others who may wish to get their own website up and showing to the world.
It is a collection of free-to-use WordPress (obviously)… but also free-to-use themes & plugins… because it is reasonably basic.


Cave Wall Media – Articles

       My sample tale of Getting Going with WordPress….. is:

I already had an existing website, made of html code, as you do. It presented well (I liked the layout), but was not interactive. When first made, mobile phones and therefore responsive designs were not considered relevant. Ha Ha.

The time came when an idea for another addition to the website, required comments, and a few statistical feedback tools, for such things as page views, page likes and the feedback structure of others interacting with the site..

WordPress was chosen as a complete platform. The whole thing could be placed inside my existing website. This was great, as I could keep my original site, that I liked, and have this complete WordPress platform package, simply loaded (ready made) onto my web host server from a link on my original home page.

The latest WP package was located via the site. It was uploaded (via FTP) onto my server, then accessed by it’s own admin panel. That is the beauty. Once installed, I didn’t have to deal with files on the server anymore. All could be accessed, through the WP admin control panel. Very nice. Very intuitive.

The site was tweeked, in design, so it matched my original site. The theme was picked, because it was a magazine style and this was designed with visual content in mind. For me this did the trick very well (appreciation to the designer of the theme). The theme was free and as an appreciation, an acknowledgement and link was placed on my sites footer.

About My Site:… The WordPress site is set to collect and present a few concept articles, as stories, information and musings.
The site belongs to the stable of Cave Wall Media, so has a slow collection, of original style thinking, usually science, art or social based for the general public….. for education & intrigue.
Here in 2024, the site is to undergo an update to become a responsive one, only really because it as a more upto date and therefore secure structure.